Tumour is less than 2cm
There is a single tumour of any size, or up to 3 tumours all less than 3 cm
there are many tumours in the liver
The cancer has spread into the blood vessels, lymph nodes or other body organs
Severe liver damage
Fully active, more or less as you were before your illness
Can't carry out heavy physical work, but can do anything else
Up and about more than half the day. You can look after yourself but can't work
In bed or a chair for more than half the day. You need help to look after yourself
In bed or a chair all the time and need complete care
<2 mg/dL (<34.2 μmol/L)
2-3 mg/dL (34.2-51.3 μmol/L)
>3 mg/dL (>51.3 μmol/L)
>3.5 g/dL (>35 g/L)
2.8-3.5 g/dL (28-35 g/L)
<2.8 g/dL (<28 g/L)
No Encephalopathy
Grade 1-2
Grade 3-4